Personnel Management

02 Jul


Manpower planning is important aspect. Macro issues concerning factors like national population trends, educational plans, economic growth rate, overall supply and demand for various categories of manpower will certainly have an impact on the manpower plans of the enterprise.

These factors impinge on the enterprises plans the manpower planner needs to be aware of their impact. One of the assumptions made in a less developed country like India, with surplus labour, is that there are large number of trained manpower available for any specific skill requirement. It is generally not so.

Q1) Define the term “Manpower Planning”?

Q2) Discuss “Manpower Planning makes for different purposes at different level”?

Q3) Explain some other pay-offs from Manpower Planning to the enterprise?

Q4) Objectives of Manpower Planning. Explain in detail?



The process of selection involves three stages – Recruitment, Selection and Placement. Recruitment refers to making the vacancies known to potential applicants and thereby generating applications for position. This is generally done through advertisement in mass media, employment exchange, private employment agencies, deputation, word of mouth and campus recruitment.

Once these applications are generated, the actual selection begins. The number of methods can be used to select. These may include application form, selection tests, interviews, business games, physical examination. Finally the employee’s are placed in the appropriate positions.

Q1) Define the term “Word of Mouth”.

Q2) Define the objective and importance of advertisement in the process of Recruitment?

Q3) Define the term selection in brief.

Q4) Explain the methods of selection?



Open and two way communication ensures survival of the organization. It is means to make members work together. Formal communication can be downward and upward. Despite its significance communication can suffer from distortions both intended as well as unconscious. Some of the reasons for distortions are tendency to evaluate pre-existing attitudes, sterotypes, values and perceptions. Feedback can help improve the quality of communication. Feedback however should be prompt both positive and negative, focus an action and behavior instead of individual.

Q1) Distinguish between one way versus two way communication.

Q2) Define the tem formal and informal organizational communication?

Q3) Explain the most common channels available for downward communication in an organization?

Q4) What do you mean by communication filters?



The quality of work life (QWL) research programme, which has been in progress for sometimes now, has tried to understand human behavior in the work situation in order to enhance productivity job satisfaction and employee involvement. QWL takes a holistic view of the employee at the work place. The focus has shifted from time to time. QWL related activities are several but revolve around work restructuring, job design, participative problem solving, reward systems and work environment.

Q1) What do you understand by the concept of QWL?

Q2) Identify its major activities and concerns?

Q3) Discuss the relevance of QSL in the Indian context?

Q4) ‘Flexible working time arrangement can be an answer to the multifarious roles of the Indian worker’, Evaluate.

Personnel Management

02 Jul

1. Psychological test as selection criteria can at best be a support to the interview process. Please evaluate.

2. Retention of employees in the organization starts with a structured and effective induction program. Please comment.

3. If you have to hire an HR Manager for your firm, what competencies would you look for? Please answer in terms of your understanding of the HR function.

4. Designing an attractive motivational strategy is the key to making of a high performance driven organization.

5. Briefly explain:

a) Different type of employee appraisals and rating

b) Validity / reliability

c) Job analysis

d) Stress interview

Personnel Management

27 Jun

1. Define Performance appraisal. How is the data of employee collected for evaluation?

2. What is the process of personnel research?

3. What are the problems in performance appraisal?

4. What are the channels of communication?

5. How is audit report prepared? Give example

6. What is the responsibility of corporate towards community and government?

7. What is the future of personnel function in India?

8. What is promotion? What are the bases of promotion?

Personnel Management

27 Jun

Answer the following question.

Q1. Define motivation. How is motivation and morale distinct?

Q2. What are the kinds of selection test?

Q3. What is promotion? What are the bases of promotion?

Q4. Throw a light on some of the wage legislative acts.

Q5. Explain the special provisions of employees state insurance scheme.

Q6. What is the importance of feedback?

Q7. What are the approaches to personnel research?

Q8. What is the trained in human issues in Indian industry?